Multi Dimensional Data Format structure contains 9 variables, where d and TestParameters are the most essential, because they contains the data which can be further processed. The other variables are used for the correct data description – coordinate system, time zone, etc.
MDDF file name following the scheme: MDDF_EPIZODNAME_file_description.
Table 1. The structure of Multi Dimensional Data Format
Variable name | Type | Description | ||
CRS | char | Coordinate Reference System | ||
d | struct | The variable containing the data. The data may be as a single variable, a vector or an array. d structure contains the following fields:
| ||
dDescription | cell | Description of the fields of ‘d’ variable. A cell contains two columns: the first contains the name of the field/column of data, the second contains a description of them. All data must be specified. | ||
Description | char | The text description of the data contained in the file | ||
FormatName | char | Name of data format MDDF (Multi Dimensional Data Format). | ||
FormatVersion | real | When changing/expansion of the format change its version. It can have one number after the decimal point. | ||
TestParameters | struct | The variable containing the parameters of data. The data may be as a single variable, a vector or an array. TestParameters structure contains the following fields:
An array contains two columns: the first contains the name of the field/column of data, the second contains the data type number. All data must be specified. The Numbers of Data type: 1 – the real data without limits, 2 – the integer data, 3 – text value, 4 – the real number rounded to 0.1 (shown as 11), 5 – time in Matlab format serial time – the time display format; seconds with accuracy 1/10, 6 – the real data display in an engineering manner with one decimal place, e.g.: 3.5E6, (obsolete, recommended 2cd) 7 – the real data display in an engineering manner with two decimal place, (obsolete, recommended 2cd) bc – (b and c are code digits) the real data is displayed in fix-point manner with at minimum b places before decimal and c decimal place, e.g. For number 3.149. 10: „3” 11: „3.1” 12: „3.15” 20: „03” 23: „03.149” 1bc– the same manner as bc, but with place for a sign (space for sign „+”, sign ‘-’ for sign „-”), 2cd– (c and d are code digits), the real data is displayed in an engineering manner, with place for a sign (space for sign „+”, sign ‘-’ for sign „-”), with c decimal place and exponent expressed by d places. The sign in exponent is always displayed.
| ||
TestParametersDescription | cell | Description of the fields of ‘TestParameters’ variable. A cell contains two columns: the first contains the name of the field/column of data, the second contains a description of them. All data must be specified. | ||
TimeZone | char | Acronym of Time Zone (, normally UTC |
Table 2. The format of fields ‘d’ and ‘TestParameters’ variables
variable | Field name | Storage format |
d | Station_codename | char |
Measurements | struct | |
Measurements.Date | double | |
Measurements.Tests | struct | |
Measurements.Tests.Test_name_id | double | |
Measurements.Tests.Result | double | |
Measurements.Tests.Result_duplicate | double | |
Measurements.Stage | char | |
Measurements.Measurement_method | char | |
TestParameters | Test_name | char |
Unit | char | |
Type | double | |
Technique | char | |
LOD | double | |
LODType | double | |
Accreditation | char |
Data details:
‘d’ structure contains the following fields:
Station_codename – Code name of the station
Measurements – Number of measurements or sample collection in the field. Structure containing the following fields:
Date – Time of measured parameter/sample collection
Tests – Number of test performed/ measured parameters.. Structure containing the following fields:
Test_name_id – Id of measured parameter/test
Result – Result of measured parameter/test
Result_duplicate (optional) – Quality assurance check
Stage (optional) – Stage of monitoring
Measurement_method (optional) – Method of measurement
‘TestParameters’ structure contains the following fields:
Test_name – Name of test/measured parameter
Unit – Unit of test/measured parameter
Type – Data type number
Technique (optional) – Technique
LOD (optional) – Limit of detection (Lower and Upper)
LODType (optional) – Data type number of LOD
Accreditation (optional) – Accreditation body