get /api/epos/episode-elements/
Summary: Episode dataset
Description: Returns a list of JSON documents containing metadata describing files conained within one of the TCS AH episodes
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
episode | Allows to filter the files by given episode id. May contain multiple values separated by a comma | |||
dataType | Allows to filter the files by the type of data they contain. Parameter may contain multiple values separated by a comma | |||
before | Allows to filter the files that have the end date metadata set to before the given date. Should be formatted as date-time - RFC3339 | |||
after | Allows to filter the files that have the start date metadata set to after the given date. Should be formatted as date-time - RFC3339 | |||
offset | Number of results skipped from the beginning | |||
limit | Maximum number of returned results |
Status Code: 200
Message: Request was successful. Response contains a list of episode elements (episode file metadata)
See #models
Status Code: 400
Message: Invalid time format of 'before' or 'after' parameters
See #models
post /api/epos/files/{fileId}
Summary: Download episode file
Description: The operation starts to download the file pointed by the 'fileId'. The header of the request has to contain a valid user authentication token, otherwise the operation would fail.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
fileId | ID of the file to be download. The ID is displayed within the file metadata (obtained from the /api/epos/episode-elements/ endpoint) |
Status Code: 200
Message: The download request was successful
See #models
Status Code: 401
Message: Invalid or missing credentials
See #models
Status Code: 404
Message: The file with the specified ID does not exist
See #models
get /api/epos/apps/
Summary: List of Applications
Description: Returns a list of JSON documents describing the applications integrated within TCS AH. The method allows filtering the list by applying the query criteria.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
keyword | Allows to filter the returned applications by keywords they declare. May contain multiple values separated by a comma |
category | Allows to filter the returned applications by category. May contain multiple values separated by a comma |
Status Code: 200
Message: Request was successful. Response contains a list of application descriptions matching the query criteria
See #models
get /api/epos/episodes/
Summary: List of Episodes
Description: Returns a list of JSON documents describing the episodes integrated within TCS AH. The method allows filtering the list by impacting factor.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
impactingFactor | Allows to filter the episodes by impacting or inducing factor relevant to the registrations collected into the episode. May contain multiple values separated by a comma |
Status Code: 200
Message: Request was successful. Response contains a list of episode descriptions matching the query criteria
See #models