Account configuration
Account not configured
When accessing My Apps Management tab, there is a warning that the account is not configured (see Figure 1). In such case, you need to create and configure the Application Workbench account following this guide: Creating Application Workbench account.
Figure 1. Information that Application Workbench account is not configured yet.
Access to Application Workbench denied
If, after Creating and configuring your Application Workbench account you see a message similar to Figure 2 (note that it is different from Figure 1 both in the content and in the color), this might mean that the EPISODES Platform does not have all the required permissions to access your account on Application Workbench. This usually happens in case of setting incorrect token scopes when generating the Application Workbench token. To fix this issue, delete the token and regenerate it paying attention to the scopes setting - according to Generating Application Workbench token guide.
Figure 2. Information about denied access.
Token does not have required scope error
If you see an error "Your account lacks the required permissions to create applications in the Application Workbench [...]" when creating a new application from the My Apps Management tab, it means that the token you created in Application Workbench for the connection with the EPISODES Platform did not have the required properties. To fix this issue, delete the token and regenerate it paying attention to the scopes setting - according to Generating Application Workbench token guide.
Figure 3. Error displayed in case of missing permissions on Application Workbench token
Managing applications
Application is not visible within the application list
The application you have created should normally be visible among other applications within the "Applications" list in the EPISODES Platform, it should also have an additional label "Private application" (see Figure 4). If it is not showing on the list (you may also filter the list so that only your applications are visible - see the filter marked in Figure 4), first, check that you are logged in to the EPISODES Platform and your account is properly configured (see previous sections), as the applications will not show to the anonymous users. If this is not the case, the absence of the application probably means that it was not configured properly. To diagnose it, try to validate the application with the EPISODES Platform mechanism - proceed to the validation section.
Figure 4. Custom application correctly shown on Applications list
Application definition error
In case you get a longer error, similar to the one displayed in Figure 5, while adding the application to workbench, displaying it within the workbench or making any other action on it, it probably means that the Application Definition file is incorrect. This incorrectness can either be caused by errors in its format/structure, or (rarely) by a change in the specification on the EPISODES Platform side (in such case, the Platform can no longer read an older file). In any case, to obtain a more informative message about the error, you can perform a validation of the application descriptors - see this guide for instructions how to do this and the next chapter, to learn about the possible validation errors. It is also advisable to check the Application Definition file documentation.
Figure 5. Error displayed on action within workspace on an application with incorrect Application Definition file
Validation errors
One of the most efficient means of diagnosing the application configuration errors is the validation mechanism. It can be accessed from the My Apps Management, using the Validate button next to the application to be validated (see Figure 6).
Figure 6. My Apps Management tab with Validate button marked
By running the application validation, you will get a precise information about the error that prevents the EPISODES Platform from reading the application configuration and/or displaying it. First, the validation shows which part of the configuration is prepared incorrectly - Application Definition file, executable script or Application Description file, by displaying red headers next to the invalid part. Expanding the header will show the exact error message - the next subsections discuss sample error messages.
Example 1
An error as displayed in Figure 7: "Cannot deserialize value of type `` from String "PYTHON_3": not one of the values accepted for Enum class: [OCTAVE, PYTHON, MATLAB]" means that in the appDefinition.json (Application Definition) file there is a value that cannot be correctly mapped to a value recognised by the EPISODES Platform. In this case this is the scriptLanguage that was specified as PYTHON_3, whereas the platform recognises only the options OCTAVE, PYTHON or MATLAB (all this can be deduced from the initial error message).
Figure 7. Sample value deserialisation error
Example 2
An error as displayed in Figure 8 means that the the system failed to find the executable script, and therefore, it will not be able to run the application. The executable script name is checked in the Application Definition file (see Figure 9), and a file with exactly the same name (or path) has to be present in the repository with application files. If it is not, an error as in Figure 8 is reported by the validation.
Note, that the script file is only checked for existence. It's contents are not read and validated.
Figure 8. Error informing about missing executable script file
Figure 9. Specification of the executable script name in Application Definition file
Note, that with such an error, the application might still be displayed correctly within the applications list and in workspace, but will not be able to be run.
Example 3
An error as displayed in Figure 10: "Unexpected character (':' (code 58)): was expecting comma to separate Object entries" means that the appDescription.json (Application Description) file has an incorrect structure. In this case, it is not following the JSON format - after the entry name ("shortName" in our example), there should be a colon (':') and then the entry value (in this case, the application's short name - e.g. "TestApp"). Here the value is missing and the word "categories" (below "shortName") is interpreted as the value, but then the colon after "categories" becomes a character that cannot be interpreted.
Note, that with this type of errors, usually a line of code in which it occurred is displayed (here, "(code 58)"), however, look for the error also in the neighbouring lines - in our example the erroneous line was "shortName" :, but line 58 was the next line (where the colon was unexpected after "categories").
Figure 10. Sample file format error
In case the error message is illegible or hard to understand, please contact the EPISODES Platform support team with use of the contact form.
Running applications
No outputs defined
An error like in Figure 11 means that no outputs were defined in the Application Definition file, which is defined as an incorrect configuration - an application that does not produce any results is not justified to be consuming computational resources.
Figure 11. No outputs declared error
Not enough resources
Application killed on the cluster
Editing descriptors doesn't work
404 not found error when accessing application code
When accessing your application repositories by URL, you may encounter an access error like the one displayed in Figure 12. If this is a valid URL, the message might be caused by your session in the Application Workbench being expired. In such case, you have to log in to the Application Workbench again. If the problem persists after logging in to Application Workbench, please check again the URL pasted to the address bar of your browser, as it might point to a non-existing application.
Figure 12. Access error caused by expired session in Application Workbench