Basic information

Questions and issues regarding PLGrid Infrastructure should be reported via PLGrid Helpdesk platform.

Good practices in issue reporting

Please describe your issue or question with detail.

Also, provide the following (if applicable):

  • application information (name, version),
  • cluster where the problem occurs,
  • scripts and inputs files you are using so that we can reproduce the problem,
  • error message - copy it ot attach screenshots

Ways of question / issue reporting

There are two ways to report an issue or ask a question:

Helpdesk PLGrid web interface

PLGrid web platform for issue and question reporting is:

To log in to Helpdesk Platform use the same login and password that you use for other PLGrid services (e.g. user portal, clusters etc).

Helpdesks interface allows users to report new issues or questions and view their existing cases (tickets).

Create a ticket

In order to create a ticket go to the "Dodaj zgłoszenie" tab.

The illustration below shows a case creation form. It consists of the following fields.

  1. Issue Description ("Treść") - please describe your question or issue in detail (see section Ways of question / issue reporting).
  2. Grant ID ("ID grantu") - provide grant ID if applicable (e.g. you have a problem with using resources or wish to renegotiate your grant).
  3. Attachment ("Załącznik") - you can attach files (please attach your script/input files or error message screenshots).

In order to create a ticket click the green button "Dodaj zgłoszenie".

View your tickets

In order to view your tickets go to the "Moje zgłoszenia" tab.

The main view shows a list of cases reported by you. It contains "HD-number" links to your tickets.

After clicking on each link you will see its:

In this view you can communicate with the Helpdesk team by: