Basic information

Sign up

Using PLGrid Infrastructure requires registration at PLGrid Portal.

User should fill the registration form and provide the following information:

Check terms acceptance (Regulamin) and click on "Wyślij formularz rejestracyjny" button to send the form. 

The login should contain a maximum of 15 characters (including the plg prefix).

Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed in the login.

The prefix plg must be followed by a letter.

Of the special characters in the password, only the following are allowed:

! @ # $% ^ & * + - = _

The password should consist of a minimum of 10 characters, of which at least 5 should be different. It should contain characters from at least three of the four categories: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, special characters! @ # $% ^ & * + - = _

The password cannot contain the first name, surname or login.

Log in and activate your account

After sending the registration form user can already log in to PLGrid Portal.

In order to proceed with applying for affiliation, grant and services, user has to activate the account by clicking on the link received in the welcome message (sent to e-mail address provided in the registration form). 

Since the activation link is active only for 48 h after its creation, user has a possibility to resend the message containing the link by clicking the option: "Wyślij jeszcze raz" (Resend welcome message) at the User’s Profile view ("Mój profil").

Inactive accounts will be deleted 4 weeks since registration.

After email address activation user’s account status changes to ACTIVE ("Twoje konto jest aktywne"). The notification is visible at User’s Profile view.

Active account without an affiliation allows for access to PLGrid basic services only, in particular it does not enable to use computational, storage or cloud resources. In order to access these resources user needs to report details of their affiliation at the Affiliation view ("Afiliacja").

Move to the next step - Affiliation