The heterogeneous multi-disciplinary data from different episodes are subjected to an extensive quality control (QC) procedure composed of five steps and involving the collaborative work of data providers, quality control team, IT team, that is being supervised by the quality control manager with the aid of Redmine ( platform.
(1) transfer of episode data to the local data center,
(2) data standardization and validation of formats,
(3) metadata preparation according to TCS AH metadata scheme. The final two steps of QC are performed already at the level of TCS AH website and include
(4) Contextual analysis of data quality followed by appearance of episode in TCS AH maintenance area, and finally the
(5) Episode publication at TCS AH website.
The comprehensive web services allow speeding up the data integration process and reducing/minimizing the possible mistakes while incorporating diverse heterogeneous datasets through quality control. This process is described below:
• Data upload: Raw data is uploaded to proper ‘buffer’ subdirectory by the data provider. Each data provider has an access to dedicated buffer directory in CIBIS. ‘Administrator’ for this episode and his ‘Control group’ in EAC are assigned.
• QC1: Administrator sets episode as a new task in EPOS-IP database task management system. The Control group roles are distributed and the workflow Observer is appointed (20%).
• Data conversion and validation: Data is verified, converted (if needed) and homogenized by people assigned by Administrator (50% of workflow).
• QC2: The completeness and quality of prepared data is checked (60% of workflow).
• Data transfer, metadata preparation and publication: Correct data is placed in final directories according to episode data structure. Now data is visible to all database users who have permission to see this episode. All data files are described with sets of metadata prepared according to the rules. Episode can be published to TCS AH platform if needed. Metadata are also visible for EPOS-IP database users.
• QC3: Administrator checks metadata sets and accepts episode as correct (100%).