Coal mining – mining of hard coal
Conventional gas extraction - extraction of natural gas with use of existing natural gas reservoir pressure or using methods to increase the pressure suficiently for pumping gas to the surface
Conventional hydrocarbon extraction - extraction of hydrocarbon with use of existing hydrocarbon reservoir pressure or using methods to increase the pressure suficiently for pumping hydrocarbons to the surface
Conventional oil extraction – extraction of petroleum with use of existing oil reservoir pressure or using methods to increase the pressure suficiently for pumping oil to the surface
Geothermal energy production – technology using thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth for heat and/or electricity production
Hard rock mining – mining of raw materials and ores embedded in rock formations
Hydrofracturing – technology of a well stimulation a in which rock is fractured by a pressurized liquid
Hydropower plants – power plants producing electricity using the potential energy of dammed water or kinetic energy of flowing water or tides driving a water turbine and generator
Open pit mining – mining technology, where used when, the thin layer overburden is removed to provide access to deposits of commercially useful ore or rocks found near the surface
Reservoir impoundment – filling of artificial lake, usually by backing up the water on a river in steep valley
Salt mining – type of mining extracting the salt from the underground
Salt solution mining – type of mining extracting the salt from the underground by dissolving salt from the deposit
Underground fluid deposition – technology of fluid storage in rock formations
Underground gas storage – technology of gas storage in rock formations
Unconventional hydrocarbon extraction – extraction of hydrocarbons using well stimulation techniques
Underground mining – extracting method using undergound instalations such as tunnels, long wall mining, room and pillar mining etc.