Page History
RID - Registration ID
EID - Event ID
SID - Station ID (should be station code, which is used commonly in seismology for example in all seismological metadata standards ORFEUS uses term ‘Station’)
S_name - Station name
S_Lat – Station location latitude
S_Long – Station location longitude
S_Elevation - Station location elevation
R_Time - Registration occurrence time
PGA-x - Peak ground acceleration of x component (how x and y are defined ORFEUS uses standard seismological convention ZNE for component values)
PGA-y - Peak ground acceleration of y component (see comments above)
PVA - Peak vertical acceleration (not used in ORFEUS and EPOS instead they use PGA on Z component of the station)
PHA - Peak horizontal acceleration (not used in ORFEUS and EPOS instead they use PGA on N and E components separately for every channel)
PGA - Total peak ground acceleration (see above)
RMS_A - Root-mean-square acceleration
PGV-x - Peak ground velocity of x component (see comments to PGA-x)
PGV-y - Peak ground velocity of y component (see comments to PGA-x)
PVV - Peak vertical velocity component (see PVA comments)
PHV - Peak horizontal velocity (see PVA comments)
PGV - Total peak ground velocity (see PGA comment)
RMS-V - Root-mean-square velocity
PGD-x - Peak ground displacement of x component
PGD-y - Peak ground displacement of y component
PVD - Peak vertical displacement component
PHD - Peak horizontal displacement
PGD - Total peak ground displacement
RMS-D - Root-mean-square displacement
AI - Arias Intensity
NED - Normalized Energy Density
ABD - Absolute bracketed duration
AUD - Absolute uniform duration
AED - Absolute effective duration
RBD - Relative bracketed duration
RUD - Relative uniform duration