Page History
- Added
automatic saving of application forms in Workspace. The option is enabled by default, can be disabled by switching off the 'Autosave' option
- Application parameters can now be saved even if the form is not valid or not entirely filled - the values are not lost if not everything is filled
- The results of the custom user applications are sent to the platform even in case of the application error - this should facilitate debugging or your applications
- Homogenization of 'Gravity Variation' data type search
- Bugfix to the
files upload
- Bugfix to
application forms with dropdown menus
- New application: 'P and S Wave Detection Tool'
- Bugfix to the 'SignalDownload' applicationÂ
- Improvements to the browsing option - searching on the episodes list filtering - text search
- Affiliation needed while creating EPOS AI account