Page History
- New Refreshed look of the EPISODES Platform front page visualization
- Added , with explicit link to EPOS TCS AH website on the front page
- Improvements Bugfix to the 'time Time correlated earthquakes (Seasonal trends)' application
- Improvements to the Application Workbenchfixed error causing the application to finish with an "Unrecognized function or variable 'step'." error
- Added information about the usual and max run time for applications in the Workspace
- Added option to create an EPOS AI account in Profile and affiliations affiliations
- Mailing subscription option added
- Added visualization of the gravimetric .tsf files
- Added option for quick view of application's input files
- Improvements to the 'Waveform download tool'
- Improvements to the 'Csv To Catalog'
- Added the ability to filter User's application in the application list
- Visual improvements to the interface